How often should you seal coat asphalt parking lot?
Asphalt is one of the most popular materials used for making commercial and residential parking lots. It is the reason that it provides durable and long-lasting service. But to get the best out of your asphalt parking lot, you need to follow all the maintenance guidelines…
Although it’s necessary to seal coat your asphalt parking lot, sealing it too frequently can cause other issues. So it’s necessary to know how often your seal should coat your asphalt parking lot to keep it in the best condition for maximum years.
Besides, several factors determine how often should you seal coat your asphalt. A few common determining factors are:
Quality of pavement sealer
Quality of pavement sealer is one of the most important factors to be considered as; the number of years the seal coat application will survive depends on the quality of the pavement sealer. For example, if the sealer is of low solids material, the longevity will be automatically compromised. So it’s necessary to appoint a quality pavement sealer with a professional contractor.
Seal coat application mix design
A proper and durable seal coat mix should contain a polymer additive and sand in it. Sand offers traction and safety to both pedestrian and vehicle traffic. Besides, it also offers durability to the product. Hence be sure that sand is applied in your seal coat project.
Number of coats applied
It’s another important factor to be considered. The number of coats applied along with the materials used determines the durability of the product. A minimum of two coats of sealer should be applied to get the best parking lot seal coating results. First, let the first coat dry thoroughly and then apply the second coat to get optimum results. Besides, it’s also necessary that you allow the sealer to dry completely and wait for a minimum of 24 hours before opening to traffic.
Quantity of material applied
The amount of material applied is as important as the number of coats applied. The amount of material applied per coat must follow the recommendation of experts. This helps achieve the best results.
Daily traffic
The amount of daily traffic also determines how frequently your seal should coat your asphalt parking lot. If it’s a busy place and has to face daily wear from traffic, the longevity of the seal coat will automatically get reduced. In such a situation, a third coat is recommended. It is also necessary that you seal coat the parking lot in short intervals to maintain its quality.
Geographical area
Another important factor to be considered is the weather condition of the area. If your asphalt paved parking lot is open to harsh weather conditions, it will automatically experience faster seal coat wear. Heavy moisture in harsh winter, thaw cycles, and snow-plowing are a few of the factors that affect the longevity of the sealer.
Typically, seal coating your parking lot every 3–4 years can provide adequate protection and help keep it well attractive.
The bottom line
The minimum time interval to seal coat your parking lot depends on several factors. A few of the common factors are discussed above. Besides, how you perform the basic maintenance task determines the longevity of the pavement. Hence, to keep your asphalt parking lot in its best condition for long years, consult the best asphalt service provider besides taking the basic care and maintenance.